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Sunday 17 October 2010

Seroxat withdrawal freefall - how did they get off - expose legalaid fraud - all SSRI/SNRI not just Seroxat -

Chart 5 demonstrates the immense value to Society of free and independent Public Service

Broadcasting and Internet communication. This combination has triggered the growth of
awareness of SSRI danger. It has united the many thousands of victims of SSRIs across the
world with some professionals who have laboured so long in a cause for saving lives, seeking justice and exposing dysfunctional drug regulation. Chart 5 shows that the tide has turned in the UK. Great encouragement should be taken from this life saving victory. However efforts must continue both to expose the known risks of paroxetine (Seroxat, Paxil) and all the other ill validated SSRIs and to call for the establishment an effective independent Drug Safety Regulator in every country, the absence of which is the root cause of this ongoing officially supported tragedy.

Graham Aldred 17 May 2004

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